A Peruvian day

Today when we woke up we decided to spend the day as true Peruvians. We took our laundry down to the local laundrette and set about exploring the city… Without appearing like tourists of course. We first passed huge inca ruins, situated right in the middle of Miraflores (the area in Lima that we are staying it) with a huge fence around it, enclosing amazing sand steps up to huge inca buildings and also lots of lamas.
Our plan of the day was to head for the best Ceviche restaurant in town and on our way we had to walk through the ‘Park of love’ (yes that is actually it’s name) a heart shaped park, full of emotional and soppy quotes and the most bizarre statue ever.



The town itself was heaving and so was the park due to the bright sunny sky, beautiful weather and obscene amount of para gliders coming in and out of the beautiful cliffs below us.

For lunch we went to a restaurant called “La Mar”, famous for it’s Ceviche. Ceviche is raw fish (or seafood in our case) that is covered in onions and lime juice and then left to basically cook in the juices… and we had the most delicious meal. It almost went terribly wrong when I put a whole chile in my mouth thinking it was pepper, but it was soon fine after that.


We also had the opportunity to then try a Suspiro a la Limeña (literally translated as the sigh of Lima) a delicious caramel type desert that Juliet and I both secretly wish we hadn’t shared… But had all to ourselves.


Our last port of call after lunch was another lovely stroll through the town until we arrived at the street of markets, ready to shop!



However in true Juliet and Steph fashion we actually got very bored of market shopping quite quickly and so we swiftly moved on and headed to the supermarket to buy dinner and then back to Miraflores, to the hostel to watch England’s first game in the World Cup, against Italy. Of course England lost but we did feel patriotic for a bit at least, while watching it.
It really was a very Peruvian day, with ceviche, Peruvian wine and local dessert, we did feel like we had accomplished something and came back to the hostel exhausted!